BGreen™ Honeycomb Board
BGreen™ Honeycomb board description:
- ‧BGreen™ Honeycomb board can be biodegradation, reducing the environmental burden.
- ‧Honeycomb structures are lightweight and strong, not easily deformed.
- ‧Only 5mm thick, easy to carry and transport.
- ‧Affordable Eco friendly materials.
- Maximum Printable Size in mm: 1170x2360mm
BGreen™ Eco Printing Series is Officially Launched!
From the global perspective, environmental protection has been in the limelight for either ecological conservation or health concerns of our next generation. There have been growing discussions over the impact on the environment caused by product use; from the business angle, environmental conservation and sustainable development have become non-negligible goals. As the market leader of the digital printing industry, Bannershop aims at fulfilling our corporate social responsibility by promoting the concept of eco-printing, with a view to increasing the public awareness of the importance of recyclable eco-printing for the sustainable development of the rapidly depleting earth's resources.
Consequently, Bannershop has introduced BGreen™ Eco Printing Series. The use of recyclable polyester could reduce plastic waste pollution and contaminants in the food chain, and the use of eco-friendly inks could lower the impact on the environment and human health, advocating recycling behavior in the long run.
In order to strike a balance between environmental protection and business needs, Bannershop strives to keep a competitive price for the BGreen™ Eco Printing Series, breaking through the concept of “going green is expensive” and allowing customers for a better and more environmentally friendly choice with an affordable price.
BGreen™ Eco Printing Series – recyclable, able to lower plastic use and natural damage, beneficial for environmental protection and sustainable development.
Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at (852) 2988 8080.
Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at (852) 2988 8080.